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Kicking Off the Lenten Season

Dear Friends,
Next week brings the beginning of the Lenten season and three events to set the tone:

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Feb. 28, 5-7 PM, Parish Hall – This is always a well-attended gathering of both our members and friends and neighbors in the community.Enjoy all-you-can-eat pancakes and sausage, beverages (coffee, tea, milk, and juice), and jazz entertainment by Tom Stephens and Gary Billups. A donation of $6 per person is suggested. Any profit will benefit our Blessings in a Backpack program. Don Maxwell needs the help of volunteers for the kitchen and to serve. Call 606-325-2328 or 606-831-9035 for more information.

Ash Wednesday Liturgy, March 1, 7 PM, Nave – One of the most solemn services of the year, the liturgy helps us to prepare our hearts and minds for the season of self-reflection and penitence and marks us with ashes as a potent reminder that “we are dust, and to dust we shall return.”

Lenten Program, Thurs., March 2 through April 6, 6 PM, Parish Hall – Bring your favorite soup, salad, bread, or dessert to share for a simple soup supper beginning promptly at 6. I will facilitate a video/discussion program on the history of Christianity. The evening will end with a simple Holy Eucharist.

Friends and neighbors are welcome to all events! Come worship, learn, and enjoy fellowship as we begin the journey that ends with the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Wishing you every blessing,
Mtr. TJ

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