Calvary Church has a variety of Worship Leadership opportunities, from Altar Guild, ushering, lectors, chalice bearers, Acolyting. If you would like more information on getting involved with any of these ministries, contact ministry leaders below:
- Altar Guild: Liz Alexander
- Acolytes: Alyse Giffin
- Chalice/Lectors/Ushers: David Stewart

The Calvary Choir sings at the 10:00 AM service on Sundays, and at various special occasions through-out the year. Please contact Annie Johnson or organist Rev. Larry Sivis for more information.
Choir Scholarships are available. Click HERE for more information.

Flower Ministry
Our altar is adorned each Sunday with beautiful fresh flowers provided by donations from you, the Parish. To participate, there is a sign-up sheet In the ambulatory. If you would like to include an attribution to go along with your donation, call the office. Your attribution will be published in both our weekly newsletter and bulletin.
The flowers are often donated to residents of Hospice or assisted living facilities following the service.

Adult Education
Calvary offers several opportunities for education:
- Java & Journey
- Adult Bible Study with Liz Alexander
- “Rector’s Forum” with Father Jon Hall
- Meet to Eat with Deacon Tina Mussetter

Pastoral Care
Calvary has several Pastoral Care ministries that provide care for the Church. These ministries include Prayer Chain, Card Ministry, Eucharistic visits, Hospital visits, New parents, Bereavement care, Phone outreach. For more information about these specific areas of care, contact the following leaders:
- Prayer Chain: Tina Mussetter
- Eucharistic Visits/Hospital Visits: Deacon Tina Mussetter, Father Jon Hall
- Card Ministry: Cindy McKnight
- Bereavement Care: Kim Harding
- New Parents: Karen Mauro