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Blessing of the Pets & More

Wednesday evening’s annual Blessing of the Animals with First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was, as usual, one of the most delightful events of the year! About 80 folks attended, many with more than one animal friend. Our secretary, Melissa Owens, was on hand to write an article for The Beacon. Watch for it!

       As our program year gets underway, here are three opportunities for you to grow in Christ and in life at Calvary:

  • Prepare for Holy Baptism or Confirmation: Let me know by Sunday, October 29, if you wish to prepare to be baptized or Confirmed. As you know, we are scheduled (tentatively) for a visit from our new provisional bishop on January 7, on which date we’ll celebrate these rites of the Church.
  • Become an Acolyte: Until our little ones get older, most of our acolytes will continue to be adults. We could use a few more parishioners willing to enhance our Sunday worship and reduce the frequency of service of our current acolytes. Please let me know no later than October 15 if you wish to be trained.
  • Serve as a Eucharistic Visitor: Our homebound and nursing home members look forward to Communion visits from members! Help to keep us connected with those who cannot join us on Sundays by letting me know by October 15 if you will provide this important, loving service. Lay EVs serve no more than two Sundays each month.

       And remember: Invite the healers in your life – doctors, nurses, therapists, etc. – for a special Blessing of Healers on Sunday, October 15, during worship in remembrance of St. Luke, the physician.

Wishing you every blessing,

Mtr. TJ

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