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A Message From Mother TJ

If you are a Calvary member and you have been out of touch recently, you may not have learned that I announced last Sunday to the congregation that I will be leaving.

Nothing is wrong! In fact, everything is right! In seminary I was told to think of myself as the invited guest, called to walk alongside and partner with a congregation in love and in common ministry for a time. I serve at the pleasure of God, and his Holy Spirit has called me now to serve with the people of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Cookeville, Tennessee.

But the part that is even more right is that Calvary is stable, growing, and full of good energy! Nine-and-a-half years with a church is, these days, a tenure on the longer side. You are ready for a new voice, new leadership, new energy, and new ideas – and you have strong lay leadership, a terrific deacon, a wonderful staff, and engaged diocesan personnel to help guide you as you prepare to call a new priest. I’m excited for you and proud of the work we’ve done together. If you have not already received my letter to members, it will be in your hands shortly.

Sunday, May 22, will be my last day with you. We’ll have our usual 10 AM service that morning followed by coffee hour. Then, at 3 PM, Bishop Mark, and possibly Canon Amy, will join us for a leavetaking service followed by a reception. I hope you will plan to attend both services!

Finally, I thank you for holding me in prayer these last several weeks as I finished my doctoral thesis – the one in which YOU played such a prominent role. Last Friday I gave a successful oral defense, and I will walk for graduation on May 14. Thanks be to God! Earning the degree was a lifelong goal. I know it very often happens that a professional earns a degree and promptly departs for “greener pastures” of some kind. I guess that’s in the normal course of things. In my case, however, finishing the degree is simply coincidental with my departure; I cannot imagine pastures greener than Calvary’s.

Alleluia! Christ is risen!

Mother TJ

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