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Give During Lent to the Hiefer Project

Dear Friends,

Each Sunday during Lent, we were treated to the lovely, usually comic trek by our kids up to the altar with your donations for The Heifer Project totaling a whopping $826.51. I can only guess what happy chaos must have ensued when Miss Debbie and the children deliberated which animals to designate! Ducks or bunnies? Chicks or a sheep? Miss Debbie reports the following results:
• a pig
• 2 flocks of chickens (each flock has approx. 10-50 chicks)
• 2 goats
• honeybees (including a box, hive, protective clothing and training in beekeeping)
• rabbits
• a sheep
• a Hope Basket (which includes chickens & rabbits
• an irrigation pump to provide running water for the animals and crops
• a trio of ducks

The donation of animals to poor communities provides renewable resources like eggs, milk, honey, and wool – as well as the birth of additional animals. What a great way to spread the Resurrection message around the world!

Wishing you every blessing,
Mtr. TJ


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