Dear Friends,
Each Sunday during Lent, we were treated to the lovely, usually comic trek by our kids up to the altar with your donations for The Heifer Project totaling a whopping $826.51. I can only guess what happy chaos must have ensued when Miss Debbie and the children deliberated which animals to designate! Ducks or bunnies? Chicks or a sheep? Miss Debbie reports the following results:
• a pig
• 2 flocks of chickens (each flock has approx. 10-50 chicks)
• 2 goats
• honeybees (including a box, hive, protective clothing and training in beekeeping)
• rabbits
• a sheep
• a Hope Basket (which includes chickens & rabbits
• an irrigation pump to provide running water for the animals and crops
• a trio of ducks
The donation of animals to poor communities provides renewable resources like eggs, milk, honey, and wool – as well as the birth of additional animals. What a great way to spread the Resurrection message around the world!
Wishing you every blessing,
Mtr. TJ