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Blue Christmas

Dear Friends,

       Jesus is coming! Our full schedule of December events and worship comes to a close on Christmas morning . . . but don’t forget several opportunities for joyous celebration and lovely fellowship yet this week:

  • Advent Evening Program tonight at 6! Bring a pot of soup, a salad, or other fixings for a simple meal, a little teaching, and Compline. Children will rehearse for Christmas Pageant.
  • 10 AM Sunday: Advent IV service, this year with a Christmas Pageant by our children! Izak McKenzie’s series, “Down to Earth,” will conclude after worship in Adult
  • Christian Education. (Special children’s rehearsal for pageant at 10 on Saturday morning.)
  • 5:30 PM Sunday: Christmas Eve service for children and families. This brief service is designed with squirmy, excited children at its heart and offers Communion from the Reserved Sacrament. (Altar party rehearsal beforehand at 4:45.)
  • 10:30 PM Sunday: The First Eucharist of Christmas. This lovely, light-filled service is a centerpiece of our year! Come and immerse yourself in the awe and beauty of God’s great gift to us: Jesus. Pre-service music begins at 10:15. (Altar party rehearsal beforehand at 9:30.)
  • 10 AM Christmas Morning: Holy Eucharist in our chapel.

Please remember: this season is one of your best opportunities to invite friends, neighbors, co-workers, and relatives to experience our life and worship at Calvary!

Wishing you every blessing,

Mtr. TJ

AND . . . COMING IN JANUARYEver wanted to be a detective? Calvary will host a Murder Mystery Dinner Theater on Jan. 19 at 6:30 P.M. in the parish hall. Dinner is beef filet, potato, salad, green beans, cheesecake, and a beverage. The players of Murder and Merriment Mystery Company, a critically acclaimed group based in Huntington, will provide an interactive experience in which guests act as detectives to solve the case! Tickets are $45 and must be purchased in advance by mailing a check made out to Calvary to Calvary Episcopal Church, P.O. Box 109, Ashland, KY 41105 – or by contacting Melissa at the office at 606-325-2328 or Don Maxwell at 606-831-9035. Ticket packages are available for groups of eight to be seated at the same table. Tickets make a great Christmas gift and the event is open to all!

Finally, we will elect two new vestry members in January at our Annual Parish Meeting. Please send me the names of those you wish to nominate – or offer yourself as a candidate! Please also let me know if you wish to be considered for election as a deputy to the 2019 Diocesan Convention.

Wishing you every blessing,

Mtr. TJ

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