Dear Friends,
With Christmas nearly upon us, it’s a good time for reminders of coming events!
1. Blue Christmas, Tuesday, Dec. 20, 7 PM
For those suffering from loss – of a loved one, a job, a beloved pet, a relationship, health, a home, or financial stability – the Christmas season can be painful. There’s so much pressure to be happy. If you or someone you know is in need of a quiet, light-filled celebration of the birth of Jesus, come (or invite and accompany another!) to this special public service that acknowledges grief in the midst of joy.
2. Advent Evening Program, tonight and Thursday, Dec. 22, 6 PM
Bring a pot of soup, a salad, bread, or dessert to share. We’ll enjoy dinner and fellowship, followed by brief teaching on John’s gospel and worship. Child care is available.
3. Cleaning of the church, this Saturday, Dec. 17, 9 AM
All are welcome for this spit-and-polish of our worship space as we prepare to welcome visitors to join us for our celebrations of Christmas!
4. Greening of the Church, Wednesday, Dec. 21, 6 PM
If you’ve attended Calvary’s Christmas Christmas worship, you know how much this decoration of our nave enhances our joy! Come and enjoy fellowship in the “decking of our halls”!
5. Christmas Worship, Saturday, Dec. 24, and Sunday, Dec. 25
Christmas Eve Service for Children and Families, 5:30 PM (Communion from Reserved Sacrament)
Christmas Eve Holy Eucharist, 10:30 PM (music begins at 10:15)
Christmas Morning Holy Eucharist, 10 AM
Wishing you every blessing,
Mtr. TJ
Many thanks to all of you who took the time to offer your love and sympathy at the death of my mother, Sue. It meant the world.