Dear Friends,
I have heard from many of you that our Holy Week together was deeply meaningful. At Monday’s vestry meeting, members shared their own special moments.
I always take away one or two of these moments from the Maundy Thursday service. The idea of foot-washing, so alien and repugnant to some, is always tender for those who participate. It is a time of special vulnerability as we present to one another a part of ourselves usually hidden. Are our feet ugly? Will they carry the odor of a hard day’s work? Usually I am moved at seeing this ritual shared by two people who have no special relationship in the congregation, a moment of utter trust and sharing often ending with a hug. We learn much from such risks.
This year, however, a special moment came from observing one of our youngest wash his father’s feet. This was water play, of course, and he went at the task full-on, elbowing out of the way his grandmother, who was trying to assist. While he likely had no idea of the theological significance of his task, all of us looking on were moved, not only with amusement, but also, I think, in the same way we are moved when we hear one of our children shouting The Lord’s Prayer on Sunday. “I know what to do! I want to do this with joy!” This is what we saw: one of our little ones, without inhibitions, without prodding, embrace our common worship and claim a piece of it as his own.
Wishing you every Easter joy,
Mtr. TJ