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Calvary’s Kids

Dear Friends,

I begin each vestry meeting with the question, “Where have you seen God at work at Calvary in the last month?”  The answers are seldom surprising; more often we find ourselves nodding and smiling in agreement about a little thing – a moment that caught our imagination all at once.
I see that same confidence in all of our children. Calvary is safe. Calvary is good. Calvary is theirs. In an age when fewer and fewer children are likely to attend church with any regularity, this is a precious blessing!       For me, one such moment happened on Christmas Eve, watching little Gunther Mussetter approach the mike with a bow to “read” one of the lessons at the early service. He recited the words because he is not yet able to read! What tugged at me was his confidence. This place was his place – the lectern as much as the Sunday School room downstairs or the pew alongside his family or the altar rail.

Bravo to parents who do the work – and it is work! – of getting sleepy children up and dressed for church on Sunday, and bravo to Miss Debbie, Jerry Schultz, and parents who take a shift downstairs for building an environment that nurtures our kids and builds their life in faith.

Wishing you every blessing,

Mtr. TJ


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