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A Message From Father Jon

Dear brothers & sisters in Christ, 

I hope this finds you well and that your Lenten season has been a blessing so far. There are many opportunities to deepen your faith daily with our Lent to Go resources, Christian Minimalism discussions, Sunday morning adult formation, children and youth formation, Community wide Wednesday noon services, and Sunday morning worship at 8a.m. and 10a.m. 

Last week:  

  • We started our Sunday 8a.m. Rite 1 service! We had twelve hearty souls! I was reminded that Jesus did a lot with twelve and so this was a poetic number for our first service. This is a good service to invite someone to participate in during Lent.  
  • We began our Inquirer’s and Confirmation class in St. Mary’s Hall, from 9:15-9:45a.m. We looked at how the Old Testament is organized and discussed some excellent questions. 

This week: 

  • The Inquirer’s class will spend another 30 minutes looking into the books of the OT and the various genres represented. These are the scriptures Jesus knew and referred to often. We will look discuss why Jesus thought these texts were important. Then the following three Sundays we will have an overview of The Book of Common Prayer. Come to one or come to all! 
  • The Christian Minimalism discussion group meets every Tuesday evening in the Parish Hall from 6-7p.m. We share a potluck dinner and encourage one another to examine what we need to keep and what we need to let go of. All are welcome! 
  • A Special Luncheon after the 10a.m. service recognizing Dr. Carol Greene’s long and fruitful ministry as Calvary’s organist/music director. Everything will be provided! 

Blessings, Fr. Jon