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A Message From Father Bryant

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This past Sunday, Cade, on behalf of the Vestry, announced that Calvary Church has signed a pledge with Ashland Pride and Ashland for Change to be a welcoming community for all people. The vote was unanimous and is in full agreement with the stance of The Episcopal Church to welcome all people regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, country of origin, and economic status. While we understand some in the community may disagree with their decision,

this is what Jesus calls all Christians to do, to love everyone. As we vow in our Baptismal

Covenant, “we will seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves” and “we will strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being” (BCP Pg. 305). In my fifteen weeks with you, I have seen the love and concern you have for all who have entered the doors, and am sure you will continue to spread the love of Jesus. Unfortunately, many who are not of Northern European ancestry and the LGBTQ+ community are not welcome in many churches. In fact, these two organizations frequently are asked if they know of any church that would welcome such individuals. Up until this Sunday, they have had to say they do not. That has now changed. I pray that we will all continue to welcome anyone seeking to love and serve the Lord.




Confirmation and Inquirer’s classes

Each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. anyone interested in exploring confirmation, reception, or just knowing more about the Episcopal Church will meet in the Parish Hall. Since this time conflicts with choir practice, let me know and we can find another time that will work. As we say in our Catechism: “Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop. It is required of those to be confirmed that they have been baptized, are sufficiently instructed in the Christian Faith, are penitent for their sins, and are ready to affirm their confession of Jesus Christ

as Savior and Lord.” (BCP Pg. 860) While there is no minimum age for confirmation, anyone who wants to seek confirmation may, providing they understand that with the laying on of hands by the bishop, they are not complete in their faith but entering a new phase. Confirmation is not graduation, but a commencement, the

start of a new adventure in one’s life in Christ. For those who may have been confirmed in another denomination, the reception is an opportunity to formally acknowledge your desire to be a member of the Episcopal Church. The classes will give an overview of the Episcopal Church and Christian belief and will continue to meet throughout my stay with you.

Search Committee for the next Rector

The Vestry and Search Committee for the next Rector of Calvary met Sunday afternoon with the Rev. Canon Amy Chambers Cortright, the Canon to the ordinary to preview the entire search process, after which the vestry left the training continued and the various jobs of the search

committee were divided. The committee came away recognizing that this undertaking will prove to be a long and somewhat complicated process. Each member recognizes and accepts their role in representing all members of the parish. One of the first, steps is for us to have a grasp as to what you, the members of Calvary are wanting our future to be. In order to accomplish this feat in an organized manner, we will be asking you to complete a parish self-study which will include a Church Assessment Tool. The information we glean from this will be interpreted by a data-driven company and will provide a clear picture as to what we, as a congregation, are hoping for in our future. There will be a brief window for completing this assessment, and we will do all we can

to make it as easy as possible for everyone to participate. Information will be provided through the weekly newsletter and announcements in the Sunday service. We need your help with this in order to be your voice, so we ask for your full participation in this endeavor. Also, we of course request your daily prayers for discernment throughout this process.

Members of the Search Committee: Lyndi Lowman, Kim Harding, Virginia Weed, Sudie Davis, Brenda Hayes, Don Maxwell, Rick Waddle.

Vestry members: Cade Mahan, Liz Alexander, Cindy McKnight, Brenda Hayes, Sudie Davis, and Sean Farrington.

Others present; Canon Cortright, Canon to the Ordinary, Bryant Kibler, Interim Rector, Alyse Giffin, Youth and Children’s Coordinator.

Hunger knows no holiday on November 25th.

Samaritan’s Purse

Heifer International

