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A Message From Father Jon

Lenten Discussion – Tuesdays from 6-7p.m. 

Each Tuesday evening in Lent we will be discussing the topic of Christian Minimalism from 6-7p.m. We will have a few used copies of Rev. Becca Ehrlich’s recent book Christian Minimalism: Simple Steps for Abundant Living available or you may want to order your own copy in time for the meetings. You do not have to come to each session, and you do not need to read the book to attend. However, like most things, being prepared by spending a little time with her book will enrich you. 

Minimalism has been a renewed movement for several years. There are many variations on the reasoning behind doing more with less. Basically, the less time we need to spend keeping up with the things that require our attention the more time we have for greater priorities.  

The Lenten season is about omitting practices, adding practices, or a combination of both. Christian minimalism addresses the practice of decluttering our lives as well. We can simplify our lives by removing some of the things that demand maintenance, money, and energy. If our regular practices are life-giving then we might want to keep or even increase them. If they have served their purpose and are causing a drain on us, then we can reflect on what’s worth keeping. The point is to lead less stressful lives and to make room for serving God and others. Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “We vote with our feet.” During Lent 2024 we can look at how “We vote with our schedules.” 

There are some helpful tips and practical ideas that we’ll be sharing in addition to the ones she suggests in the book. Therefore, I invite you to consider making these discussions a regular part of your Lenten practice. Feel free to invite a friend as well! 

Here are the Tuesday dates to save: February 20 & 27. March 5, 12, 19. 

*A free Lenten Supper will be available with soup, salad, and bread. If you are interested in bringing one of these items, please let me know. I hope to see you at our first gathering on February 20 at 6p.m.! 

Blessings, Fr. Jon 

*Please know that the city has given us a temporary sidewalk that goes from the corner of 14th and Winchester Ave. to the front doors. 

*Make note of my new phone number and email address.

Phone number: 606-369-6114 Email: