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The Diocese

       Sometimes we hear folks speak of “The Diocese” as an entity as though it is “out there” somewhere – a body that has little relationship to our congregation. In reality, the diocese is us! An Episcopal Church parish does not function without the oversight and guidance of its bishop. Episcopal means “governed by bishops,” and the individual churches falling under the governance of a bishop constitute a diocese.

       As with chief leaders in our secular governmental bodies – President, governor, mayor, etc. – a bishop works with elected and appointed representatives of its constituent congregations to make local decisions guiding our lives in the Church within the laws (canons) established by the wider Episcopal Church. 

       Each year at our diocesan convention, elections are held to choose leaders, both lay and clergy, from our churches to staff important committees that, with the bishop, accomplish the work of the diocese. In preparation, a call is issued for nominees.

       Please take a look below at the positions open to nominations in this year’s elections. Could one of them be calling your name? Such service is one important way to make your voice heard and to represent the interests and concerns of Calvary among those of the varied congregations in our diocese.

       If you’d like more information, please let me know! A nomination form is available here.

Wishing you every blessing,

Mtr. TJ

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