Dear Friends,
This year, Calvary has the privilege of hosting Holy Week noon services sponsored by the Ashland Area Ministerial Association. Seven local churches and The Salvation Army will provide liturgists and preachers for worship, and a light lunch will be served each day in our parish hall.
This is a terrific opportunity for us to welcome people from around town into our lovely church, so I invite you to participate as you are able:
Last year’s Palm Sunday procession.
• Attend the services! (I know that many of you work throughout the week.)
• Invite friends and neighbors to attend!
• Contact Helen Hall to let her know that you would be willing to serve Calvary’s lunch on Monday, be a “kitchen guide and hostess” one or more days Tuesday through Friday for other groups serving lunch, and/or help to prepare Monday’s lunches ahead of time.
• Contact Melissa (325-2328) to volunteer to be an usher for one or more days.
The April Crucifer newsletter has details of all Holy Week services at Calvary. I look forward to this last, most dramatic part of our faith story, told in worship and experience.
Wishing you every blessing,
Mtr. TJ