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A Message from Father Bryant

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today we find ourselves moving through Holy Week. We began with the celebration of reenacting Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Thursday evening some of us will find ourselves hearing the words again of the institution of the Last Supper and Jesus giving us the symbol of service and humility of washing the feet of the disciples. The Tridium has begun, the final three days of Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. I am reminded that while we think of these as three separate services, in reality, they are one. Thursday’s service begins as we normally do with a procession in and hymn. It ends with us leaving in silence, not being dismissed. On Good Friday we regather in silence again to pray, hear the Holy Scriptures, pray earnestly for the Church and for the world, and in some places receive Holy Communion from the reserved sacrament, and again leave in silence. While few communities gather for Holy Saturday, those who do again gather in silence, pray, hear scripture, and join in the Anthem “In the midst of life” from our burial services. We conclude the services of the Tridium with the Lord’s Prayer and the Grace. For those who will not gather with their faith communities, either because of being home-bound, sickness, being out of your community, or because there will be no local services due in part to the lack of clergy, I encourage you to pray through the services yourselves knowing that there are many others throughout the world that cannot gather with a clergy presence, but still participate in the last days of Christ’s life before his resurrection. May the remaining days of Holy Week deepen your faith in Jesus Christ and when weighed down by the world around you, remember that the resurrection awaits those who are faithful.

